First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
When are you able to foster from?
Are you able to transport kittens to routine vet appointments?
Please list the members of your household, including you, and their ages: human and pets!
If you have resident pets, are they up to date with their vaccinations and have they been desexed?
Briefly describe your experience with animals (no experience needed, but this helps us help you!)
What groups are you open to fostering?
Bottle Babies
Weaning Kittens (3-6 weeks)
Weaning/Independant Age Kittens (6 weeks>)
Mums & Bubs
Pregnant Queens
Litters of 3+ Kittens
Adult Cats
Senior Cats
Scaredy Cats
Are you comfortable with:
Administering Medication
Administering Flea/Worming
Bathing Kittens
None of the above
Where would you like to foster the kittens within your home? We will typically provide a playpen enclosure, but if you have a spare room, bathroom, or otherwise, please note that here. *
How often is somebody home?
Do you drive/have a car?
I acknowledge that part of my duty of being a foster carer is understanding that illness and disease from my foster cat/s is no fault of the rescue. And I understand that if there is a prior illness or disease that the rescue are aware of, they will communicate this with me.
Yes, I understand
No, I do not understand
Your Facebook/Instagram handle: